Thank you for visit our restaurant.
You can check the course menu and wine list by scanning QR CODE on the table.
You can choose from jeju black pig loin or jeju hanwoo beef for the main dish.
* There is an additional charge of 20,000 won for choosing beef.

amuse bouche

red and yellow beet shell, cream infused from apple mango, diced abalone

han-la deodeok sand.

Baguettes,  Brandade and Matcha Salted butter. 
   Brandade is made with potatoes, fish flesh and fish liver.
       You can spread both on bread.

the first dish is season vegetables from jeju.
served with clam dressing.
  use fork on your left side.
This is a squid bouillon made with Jeju Osulloc Sejak tea as the base.
it is served with red bended lobster, jerusalem artichoke, 
white broccolini, and salted traditional black pork fat.

on top, we have added noodles made from squid innards and ink,
using Baekgang wheat , a type of korean wheat.

please use the spoon on the right to enjoy this dish.
The today fish dish is John Dory.
It is topped with sea weed, (korean word is "몸,mom"), it is seaweed that enjoy in Jeju.
 and the sauce made with Jeju anchovy.
And poured peat whisky and madeira.
Next dish is the poultry is Quail with an almond sour cream sauce.
The morel mushrooms are stuffed with risotto made from Jeju Sandi rice.
Sandi is a type of upland rice grown on Jeju Island without the use of paddies.
And accompanied by ginkgo nuts.
This is Jeju Hanwoo beef that has been wet aged for about 30 days.

        The sauce in beef jus. 
        The garnish is feuilleté made with Jeju Gujwa potatoes.
          This is a jeju black pig loin.

        The sauce in beef jus. 
        The garnish is feuilleté made with Jeju Gujwa potatoes.
*  We will prepare a drink for you when dessert serve.
          You can choose coffee or tea. 
        The coffee is drip coffee that we roast.
        The tea is Tropical Black Tea from the Jeju tea brand Osulloc, which is rich in tropical fruit flavor.
         It can be served either hot or cold.
 This is a custard pudding made with Jeju buckwheat, and Italian meringue made with sherry wine. 
I recommend eating them together, a little at a time, with a spoon."

※예약제로 운영되며 점심, 저녁 각각 한 타임씩 운영합니다. 

lunch  12:00
dinner  19:00

<  Frères Lumière cours  > 
2 amuse bouche, 5 dishes (해산물, 채소, 생선, 가금류, 육류) / 1 Dessert / coffee or tea

Frères Lumière course
Today glass wine
Wine pairing

오시는 길 

제주특별자치도 제주시 무근성길 38

010 - 2687 - 3576


Lunch Time  12:00
dinner Time  19:00
※수요일 휴무

인스타 소개 글 하단에 
예약페이지로 이어지는 버튼이 있습니다.
어렵거나 번거로우신 분들은
예약인원, 예약시간, 알러지 여부에 대하여
문자 부탁드립니다.
010 - 2687 - 3576  

※최소 3시간전 까지 예약 가능합니다.
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